Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I had some fun today taking pictures of the tractor at work. Dad, Jack and Brian bought 3 bales of hay at a local rancher's to prepare for Summer.

I didn't want the ATVs to be left out...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Many of us went to SBR for a few days to enjoy the holiday weekend. It was very hot, mid-90's, but that didn't stop the guys from spending their days smoking jalapenos and meat. Ron and Daniel went fishing, Leah and I painted a table, and Dad, Jack and Brian went and bought hay bales. With Avery and McKenzie there also, the cousins all had a great time running between the houses playing together.

Nana had storytime

This was Megan's first trip to the Ranch!

Hanging Out - Eating Jalapenos

Where are we going? Clap Clap Clap
Picnic Hill!! (Think Dora)

Yes, Birdie gets to drive at the Ranch

Cousins - Daniel, Brenna, Ashley, McKenzie, Cameron, Avery

And since Shelly wasn't there and she always mentions the wildlife...
We saw several cardinals, a roadrunner, and a snake living in our pile of metal sheets next to the shed. Dad & Uncle Jack assured me it was just a harmless rat snake. After seeing it watching me, I wasn't so sure.
The star of the weekend had to be the ants. They were all over the ground everywhere. We all got bit standing out in the yard but the worst part was getting in my van to go home and finding hundreds all over the floorboards inside. It was awful.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Picnic Hill

Saturday afternoon some people scouted out "Picnic Hill", a piece of property adjacent to SBR overlooking the back tank.

You can actually see the back tank if you look very (very) closely at the center of this photo, between the trees.

The property is very overgrown with brushy weeds, and a few minutes after taking this photo of Bryan and the girls on "Picnic Hill" (the name hasn't grown on me yet...) Brenna tripped and fell into a patch of what we now believe to be stinging nettle. Her denim capris didn't cover her lower calf and the leg swelled up red with white welts that looked like ant bites. She screamed saying it burned. Thankfully we were able to treat with Deep Woods Off at the truck and Benadryl back at the house.