Monday, August 4, 2008

Girls Weekend

In mid-July, we had a Girls Crafting Weekend at the ranch. In attendance were Mom, Leah, Linda, Sarah, myself and Dad. Yep, Dad came with us to the girl weekend. Don't worry, he didn't join us in our crafting. He spent his time riding around the property, on the couch, and as bartender.

We had a great couple of days trying out new things. I started with some scrapbooking, the moved on to tooth pillows, sewing ribbon on jeans for Laurie, adding ribbon to notepads, painting picture frames, and a few other things. It was great.

Mom and I changed a few things to the house while we were there, so here are a few pictures of the differences.

Notice the big corner computer desk is missing from the eating area.

*The Animal Update for Shelly*
On our way from the road to the house, we saw a group of Turkeys. Here are a few.