Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 4th Weekend

Mom & Dad and The 5 Jones were all at SBR for the July 4th Holiday weekend. While we didn't have any fireworks, we had plenty of fun. We discovered that Laurie LOVES the ATVs. Or, as she calls them - the ABTB. It was more, more, more and faster.

The kids had a great time in both the baby swing and the horse tire swing. We hung them low enough so the kids could swing themselves. I got a couple really cute videos of the fun.

We threw some bad meat over the fence, then a couple hours later discovered many large birds out there eating. I tried to take some pictures, but they didn't like me hanging outside with them. This was the best one I got after they all flew up to the trees.

Mom, Dad and I took our turns shooting Dad's 22 at a "target". We were out of targets, so we improvised. Guess who the best shot of the day was??? No, not Brian, we had him come out to count the shots of the winner.

If you guessed me, you would be right! I hit the "target" area (masking tape in the center) 8 out of 10 times.

While we were there, we spotted a mother deer and her fawn several times. They didn't seem very scared of us and I even got a little video of them running between the two houses. There were many of the Mexican Eagles (I can't remember what they are called), and Brian had an encouter with a large yellow snake. He was riding on the ATV with Daniel and ran over it.

We did discover that weekend that Dad has gout. When we got there, he had a great pain in his foot, thinking that he broke a toe. The pain got worse, so he decided if he drank enough it would numb the pain. The next morning, he couldn't put any pressure on the foot and was in so much pain, he called the emergency room himself. When he and Mom got back, we found out that alcohol is one of the worst things to do with a bout of gout. Oops.